The Recruiter's Soapbox

Stepping up to management

Stepping Up To Management … and Coping

Six weeks ago, my role at Barton Mills changed significantly, I stepped up to management and started leading our team. It has been a very testing few weeks! I’ve had a member of staff on annual leave (whilst I run his desk!), I thought the world was going to end with the new 457 visa changes and to top it off, I am now accountable for our team’s performance.

As we all know, Barton Mills strongly supports mental health in the work place, as two out of five suffer with anxiety (myself included.) I think we have all been waiting for me to have my annual melt down, however it has not happened…yet!

How have I coped?

1. Training – I have taken part in a sensational course. Generally, I hate anything with the word ‘role-play’ in it, however, Ross Clennett’s 6 module “Leadership Coaching for High Performance” course has really helped me see things from a management perspective, as well as pushing me to action things in the business.
2. A mentor – Outside of my network, I was able to connect with another recruiter who has also recently stepped up. We meet once a fortnight and talk about everything from reviews to new creative ideas to increase our team’s performance. It has been great to bounce ideas off of someone who is also new to management as well as being completely impartial to Barton Mills and the team.
3. Use my team – we sit in an open plan office and we are constantly bouncing ideas off each other. Although I have been in my role for over 3 years I am still learning every day and am never afraid to ask for help or suggestions.
4. One on ones – I now catch up with all my team members weekly. We do this off site over a coffee or a walk and talk. That way I am across everything, the team can get things off their chest and it keeps me on top of things.
5. Delegate – I have been known to be a bit controlling at times and often find it hard to share. With my new role, there has been a lot more responsibility. I have learnt to offload and prioritise my day, whether it be passing a candidate to another consultant or writing up a profile.
It has definitely been a testing six weeks! However, I have a fantastic, supportive team and two very hands on directors who are only a phone call away.
Although I have some great support around me, I would love to hear from my network if they have any pearls of wisdom they would like to pass on!

If you or anyone in your network are battling with mental health, feel free to reach out to our charity LIVIN at